HongJoon Choi

Software Engineer & Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Builds a lot of random interesting stuff

About me

Extensive experience in self-driven software engineering projects under cross geographical & cultural team environments.
Strives towards being a competent engineer and lifelong learner.

I grew up as a TCK in Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Had a breakdown in 2019 during my research master's studies at HKUST. Looking back, it was a result of long-repressed trauma from my dad's layoff during my schooling days, academic and financial pressure, military service issue, social unrest in Hong Kong, and my identity crisis all coming together.

As I am finally getting back on my feet, I'm starting to think that this post-traumatic growth experience might have been more of a blessing, and less of a curse. Now, I'm again moving forward with my life to face another turbulent economic time ahead, but I'll be more resilient than ever before.

Software Skills

Python, C#, JavaScript, Java, SQL, C++, C, Rust (orderd by levels of expertise)

Node.js, Unity, Android, QT (orderd by levels of expertise)

Contact and Links





Social Media

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hj2choi/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd6TDV3e7fdke1HIzMhgzew

Last updated: 01.Sep.2024