Fast Jigsaw Puzzle Solver

Python, Numpy, OpenCV

Breaks down an original image into N (Row x Col) rectangular pieces, each pieces having 8 possible random orientations.
Re-assembles puzzle pieces back to original image in O(N2) runtime.

- Parallel 3D distance matrix computation
- Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm
- Linked-Hashmap implementation of the Priority Queue

Bid Poker

C#, Unity
project presentation video link

Texas Hold'em based card game with AI and multiplayer capabilities.

- Single button for automated 1v1 match finder
- Implemented Interpolation and Extrapolation for smooth gameplay.
- Implemented PID control for smooth card animation

Abishek Puri (CSE/MAEC student) built hand evaluator logic, AI module and upgrades store

Interactive Solar System

JavaScript, WebGL, Three.js
Live WebApp at

Solar System visualization with WebGL.

- toggleable graphical features (wireframes, grids, sperical skybox)
- dynamically create asteroid clusters
- different reflective properties for each planet, Earth's cloud layer, planatery ring

Jinseok Lee (CSE M.Phil student) built core logic and JSON data structure for planet and satellite revolution as well as some graphical features.

Javascript, Node.js

Web application for viewing and rating university canteen meal offereings.

- Took charge in Back-end & Infrastructure
- local, dev, and production environment
- automated thumbnail generation

Front-end dev: Nayeon Lee (CSE student)
Project management: Jaewook Lee (GBUS student)

Interactive least squares regressor

C++, OpenCV, Visual Studio

Manually implemented matrix operations and graphing functionality.

- interactively draws regression curve for a mix of any mathematical functions (polynomial, logarithms, trignometry functions, etc)

- implemented Gram-Schmidt Process (univariate linear regression)


C++, QT

Linux Paint application with QT which supports image layers and various drawing features

- image layers, undo & redo, and fill tool with watershed algorithm

2D Shooter game

C#, Unity

- parallex scrolling and search based AI
- Highly customizable weapon settings: From bolt-action, to automatic rifles and shotgun


Java, Greenfoot

- Computes best path from source to destination.

Last updated: 08.June.2021