Hackathon and Competiton Events

HKUST Hackathon (2014, 2015, 2016),
Cathay Pacific Hackathon (2016)
CreditSuisse Tradebot Competition (2017),

Participated in multiple events and recognized as:
- 2nd place & most popular team award in Cathay Pacific Hackathon
- https://github.com/hj2choi/squashmaster
- https://github.com/hj2choi/creditsuisse

ABU Robocon, 1st place in regional competition

June.2014 ~ June.2015

Software Engineer (STM32, C)

Developed robot controls with STM32 microcontroller, involving sensors, motors, servos and pneumatics.

hardware fail-safe measures and some optimizations.

Received regional champion in 14th ABU Robocon (“Robominton” theme) in Hong Kong

ELEC1100, 3st place in robot car mini-contest


Mini-contest of line-chaser robot was held in ELEC1100 "Introduction to electro-robot design".
project report.pdf

Korean-English translator for 1st Hong Kong E-sports tournament


16 selected players from different countries competed at KITEC Exhibition center in Hong Kong. World-class Starcraft II casters, Dan "Artosis"​ Stemkoski and Nick "Tasteless" Plott were invited for the event Worked as an Korean-English Translator for two Korean Starcraft II players Hurricane (남기웅), King Kong (유충희) in the tournament.

Last updated: 13.July.2018